User Guide:

Tenant Investigation


Start-HawkTenantInvestigation is a comprehensive cmdlet that automates the collection and analysis of tenant-wide security data. It executes multiple specialized functions to gather information about tenant configuration, security settings, and potential security issues.

Note: A tenant investigation can take significant time to complete depending on the date range and amount of data. Consider running an initial investigation with a shorter timeframe to gauge execution time.

Interactive Mode

Running Start-HawkTenantInvestigation without parameters starts interactive mode:


The cmdlet will guide you through:

  • Selecting an output directory for investigation results
  • Choosing a date range (last X days or specific start/end dates)
  • Confirming settings before proceeding

Interactive mode is recommended for first-time users and ad-hoc investigations.

Non-Interactive Mode

For automated operations, run Start-HawkTenantInvestigation with any of the following parameters:

Available Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description Example
StartDate DateTime No* Beginning of investigation period '01/01/2024'
EndDate DateTime No* End of investigation period '01/31/2024'
DaysToLookBack Integer No* Number of days to investigate (1-365) 30
FilePath String Yes Output directory for investigation results 'C:\HawkOutput'
SkipUpdate Switch No Bypass Hawk update check -SkipUpdate

* Either StartDate/EndDate pair OR DaysToLookBack must be specified


Quick 30-Day Investigation

Look back 30 days from today, saving results to C:\HawkOutput while skipping the update check:

Start-HawkTenantInvestigation -DaysToLookBack 30 -FilePath 'C:\HawkOutput' -SkipUpdate

Date Range Investigation

Investigate a specific date range (January 2024) and output to a timestamped folder:

Start-HawkTenantInvestigation -StartDate '01/01/2024' -EndDate '01/31/2024' -FilePath 'C:\Investigations\Jan2024'

Function Name Description Output Files
Get-HawkTenantConfiguration Gathers basic tenant configuration including admin audit settings, organization config, remote domains, transport rules, and transport configuration.
  • AdminAuditLogConfig.txt
  • OrgConfig.txt
  • RemoteDomain.csv/.json
  • TransportRules.csv/.json
  • TransportConfig.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryConfiguration Retrieves comprehensive eDiscovery permissions data from both built-in Exchange Online Role Groups and custom management role entries.
  • EDiscoveryRoles.csv/.json
  • CustomEDiscoveryRoles.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryLog Collects eDiscovery activity logs, tracking searches, exports, and case management activities.
  • Simple_eDiscoveryLogs.csv/.json
  • eDiscoveryLogs.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminInboxRuleCreation Searches the Unified Audit Log (UAL) for inbox rule creation events performed through administrative interfaces or PowerShell. Tracks when administrators or scripts create rules, and flags suspicious configurations like forwarding or deletion rules.
  • Simple_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Creation.csv/.json
  • Admin_Inbox_Rules_Creation.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Creation.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminInboxRuleModification Searches the UAL for inbox rule modifications made through administrative interfaces or PowerShell. Focuses on rule changes made using administrative tools rather than user interfaces like Outlook. Flags suspicious modifications involving forwarding or deletion rules.
  • Simple_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Modification.csv/.json
  • Admin_Inbox_Rules_Modification.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Modification.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminInboxRuleRemoval Searches the UAL for inbox rule removal events performed through administrative interfaces or PowerShell. Tracks when rules are deleted using administrative tools rather than user interfaces. Flags if removed rules had suspicious configurations.
  • Simple_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Removal.csv/.json
  • Admin_Inbox_Rules_Removal.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Removal.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminMailboxPermissionChange Tracks administrative changes to mailbox permissions made through PowerShell or admin centers. Monitors when administrators grant or modify FullAccess, SendAs, or Send on Behalf permissions.
  • Simple_Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json
  • Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminEmailForwardingChange Monitors administrative changes to email forwarding settings made through PowerShell or admin centers. Helps detect unauthorized forwarding configurations made using administrative tools rather than user interfaces.
  • Simple_Forwarding_Changes.csv/.json
  • Forwarding_Changes.csv/.json
  • Forwarding_Recipients.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantDomainActivity Monitors changes to domain configurations and federations in Microsoft 365.
  • Domain_Changes_Audit.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantRBACChange Collects Role-Based Access Control changes in the UAL, including role assignments and management scopes. Assists in tracking M365 administrative permissions changes across the the tenant
  • Simple_RBAC_Changes.csv/.json
  • RBAC_Changes.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDAuditLog Retrieves Microsoft Entra ID audit logs for comprehensive identity management tracking.
  • EntraIDAuditLogs.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDAppAuditLog Searches the UAL for historical events related to application permissions and consent grants in Microsoft Entra ID. It focuses on tracking when and by whom application permissions were granted or modified.
  • Entra_ID_Application_Audit.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Consent_Grants.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEXOAdmin Exports Exchange Online administrator roles and memberships.
  • ExchangeOnlineAdministrators.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantConsentGrant Reviews application and delegated permission grants. Flags for investigation if overly permissive or risky risky permissions are assigned.
  • Consent_Grants.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantRiskyUsers Collects Risky Users log from Microsoft Entra ID. Flags for investigation if Risky users are confirmed to be compromised, or if users are at a High, Medium, or Low risk level.
  • RiskyUsers.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Compromised_Users.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Risky_Users.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantRiskDetections Retrieves risk detection events from Microsoft Entra ID. Differs from Risky Users as this is an aggregated assessment of Risk Events as. Flags for investigation if Risky detections are confirm a user to be compromised, or if users are at a High, Medium, or Low risk level.
  • Risk_Detections.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Confirmed_Compromised_Risk_Detection.csv/.json
  • _Investigate_Risk_Detection.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDAdmin Exports Microsoft Entra ID administrator roles and assignments.
  • EntraIDAdministrators.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAppAndSPNCredentialDetail Examines application and service principal credential configurations.
  • SPNCertsAndSecrets.csv/.json
  • ApplicationCertsAndSecrets.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDUser Exports Microsoft Entra ID user information with focus on security-relevant properties.
  • EntraIDUsers.csv/.json

During Tenant Investigations, Hawk automatically flags suspicious activities and configurations that warrant further review. These findings are stored in files prefixed with "_Investigate_" and represent detection logic built into specific functions:

Detection File What Triggers This Flag Why This Matters
Rules that contain any of:
  • ForwardTo settings
  • ForwardAsAttachmentTo settings
  • RedirectTo settings
  • DeleteMessage set to true
  • Move to Deleted Items folder
Attackers commonly use inbox rules for persistent data exfiltration and to hide their activities. Forward/redirect rules can secretly send copies of emails to attacker-controlled addresses, while deletion rules can remove evidence of compromise or hide malicious communications from the user.
  • Users with RiskState = "confirmedCompromised"
  • Risk detections at High/Medium/Low levels
These signals represent Microsoft's evaluation of user risk based on machine learning and threat intelligence. Confirmed compromised accounts indicate high-confidence detections of malicious activity, while risk levels indicate potential compromise based on suspicious patterns like impossible travel or unusual behavior.
  • Users with RiskState = "confirmedCompromised"
  • Users with High/Medium/Low risk levels
Similar to risk detections, these files track user accounts that have exhibited suspicious behavior or confirmed compromise. Review these in conjunction with risk detections to understand the full scope of potentially affected accounts and the timeline of suspicious activities.
_Investigate_Consent_Grants.csv/.json Consent grants flagged for review based on specific risk criteria:
  • Broad-Scope Grants: Grants where ConsentType includes 'AllPrincipals' or the permission contains the term 'all'.
  • Extremely Dangerous Grants: Grants with permissions matching:
    • AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All
    • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
  • High Risk Grants: Grants with permissions matching patterns such as:
    • BitlockerKey.Read.All
    • Any permission starting with Chat.
    • Directory.ReadWrite.All
    • Any permission starting with eDiscovery.
    • Any permission starting with Files.
    • MailboxSettings.ReadWrite
    • Mail.ReadWrite
    • Mail.Send
    • Any permission starting with Sites.
    • Any permission starting with User.
These investigation files document consent grants that warrant further review. Overly permissive or risky grants, whether due to broad-scope access, extremely dangerous privileges, or high risk permission patterns, may signal over provisioning or potential compromise. Reviewing these files helps ensure that permission assignments adhere to security best practices.
_Investigate_Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json Grants of sensitive permissions:
  • FullAccess rights
  • SendAs rights
  • Send on Behalf rights
Attackers often add mailbox permissions to maintain persistent access or to access additional mailboxes. FullAccess rights provide complete mailbox control, while SendAs/Send on Behalf rights can be used for social engineering or to send malicious emails that appear legitimate to recipients.

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Review the previous section: Permissions Setup.

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Uncover the details: User Investigations are up next.

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