Get-HawkTenantConfiguration |
Gathers basic tenant configuration including admin audit settings, organization config,
remote domains, transport rules, and transport configuration. |
- AdminAuditLogConfig.txt
- OrgConfig.txt
- RemoteDomain.csv/.json
- TransportRules.csv/.json
- TransportConfig.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryConfiguration |
Retrieves comprehensive eDiscovery permissions data from both built-in Exchange Online Role
Groups and custom management role entries. |
- EDiscoveryRoles.csv/.json
- CustomEDiscoveryRoles.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryLog |
Collects eDiscovery activity logs, tracking searches, exports, and case management activities. |
- Simple_eDiscoveryLogs.csv/.json
- eDiscoveryLogs.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminInboxRuleCreation |
Searches the Unified Audit Log (UAL) for inbox rule creation events performed through
administrative interfaces or PowerShell. Tracks when administrators or scripts create rules,
and flags suspicious configurations like forwarding or deletion rules. |
- Simple_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Creation.csv/.json
- Admin_Inbox_Rules_Creation.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Creation.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminInboxRuleModification |
Searches the UAL for inbox rule modifications made through administrative interfaces or PowerShell.
Focuses on rule changes made using administrative tools rather than user interfaces like Outlook.
Flags suspicious modifications involving forwarding or deletion rules. |
- Simple_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Modification.csv/.json
- Admin_Inbox_Rules_Modification.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Modification.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminInboxRuleRemoval |
Searches the UAL for inbox rule removal events performed through administrative interfaces or PowerShell.
Tracks when rules are deleted using administrative tools rather than user interfaces.
Flags if removed rules had suspicious configurations. |
- Simple_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Removal.csv/.json
- Admin_Inbox_Rules_Removal.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Admin_Inbox_Rules_Removal.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminMailboxPermissionChange |
Tracks administrative changes to mailbox permissions made through PowerShell or admin centers.
Monitors when administrators grant or modify FullAccess, SendAs, or Send on Behalf permissions. |
- Simple_Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json
- Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Mailbox_Permission_Change.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAdminEmailForwardingChange |
Monitors administrative changes to email forwarding settings made through PowerShell or admin centers.
Helps detect unauthorized forwarding configurations made using administrative tools rather than user interfaces. |
- Simple_Forwarding_Changes.csv/.json
- Forwarding_Changes.csv/.json
- Forwarding_Recipients.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantDomainActivity |
Monitors changes to domain configurations and federations in Microsoft 365. |
- Domain_Changes_Audit.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantRBACChange |
Collects Role-Based Access Control changes in the UAL, including role assignments
and management scopes. Assists in tracking M365 administrative permissions changes
across the the tenant |
- Simple_RBAC_Changes.csv/.json
- RBAC_Changes.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDAuditLog |
Retrieves Microsoft Entra ID audit logs for comprehensive identity management
tracking. |
- EntraIDAuditLogs.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDAppAuditLog |
Searches the UAL for historical events related to application permissions and consent grants
in Microsoft Entra ID. It focuses on tracking when and by whom application
permissions were granted or modified. |
- Entra_ID_Application_Audit.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Consent_Grants.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEXOAdmin |
Exports Exchange Online administrator roles and memberships. |
- ExchangeOnlineAdministrators.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantConsentGrant |
Reviews application and delegated permission grants. Flags for investigation if
overly permissive or risky risky permissions are assigned. |
Get-HawkTenantRiskyUsers |
Collects Risky Users log from Microsoft Entra ID. Flags for investigation if Risky users are
confirmed to be compromised, or if users are at a High, Medium, or Low risk level. |
- RiskyUsers.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Compromised_Users.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Risky_Users.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantRiskDetections |
Retrieves risk detection events from Microsoft Entra ID. Differs from Risky Users
as this is an aggregated assessment of Risk Events as. Flags for investigation if Risky detections
are confirm a user to be compromised, or if users are at a High, Medium, or Low risk level.
- Risk_Detections.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Confirmed_Compromised_Risk_Detection.csv/.json
- _Investigate_Risk_Detection.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDAdmin |
Exports Microsoft Entra ID administrator roles and assignments. |
- EntraIDAdministrators.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantAppAndSPNCredentialDetail |
Examines application and service principal credential configurations. |
- SPNCertsAndSecrets.csv/.json
- ApplicationCertsAndSecrets.csv/.json
Get-HawkTenantEntraIDUser |
Exports Microsoft Entra ID user information with focus on security-relevant properties. |